Monday, November 2, 2009

Yucks!!! It Stinks!!! =(

One of the weaknesses of purple cabbage is its ODOUR, which is to many reminiscent of rotten eggs and ammonia.

What Causes its to odour?
Cabbage contains sulphur compounds that actually multiply during the cooking process. The longer it's cooked, the more sulphur particles are released into the air, resulting in that odour that is objectionable to some. In fact, the amount of sulphides released while boiling cabbage doubles in the fifth through seventh minute of cooking. When cooked, older, more mature cabbage and cabbage that has been in long-term storage will be more odiferous than cabbage fresh from the garden. A bit of vinegar added as cooking liquid will help reduce the smell. Some chefs recommend a crusty end of bread tied up in a double wrapping of cheesecloth added to cooking cabbage will help alleviate odour. (The hidden, 2009)

Additional tips
YOU HAVE TO GO NUTS!!! Walnuts to be specific. Add a whole unshelled walnut to the cabbage water. You will discover the odor is absent.

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